
[OCAT深圳馆|新展] 参与的雕塑——OCAT双年展记忆片段

OCAT深圳馆 2023-06-18


在过去的二十余年里,从最初的“当代雕塑艺术年度展”,到“深圳当代雕塑艺术展”和“深圳国际当代雕塑展”,再到“深圳雕塑双年展”,直至OCAT双年展,无论是“第一届当代雕塑艺术年度展”(1998)、“平衡的生存:生态城市的未来方案”(1999)、“开放的经验:公共艺术与文化社区”(2000)、“被移植的现场”(2001),还是“第五系统:后规划时代的公共艺术”(2003)、“透视的景观”(2007),抑或是“偶然的信息:艺术不是一个体系,也不是一个世界”(2012)、“我们从未参与”(2014)、“飞去来器”(2021),这一系列展览不仅见证了由华侨城集团支持,最初由何香凝美术馆主办,逐步发展成为由OCAT 深圳馆主办的“OCAT双年展”这个重要品牌项目的探索历程,见证了华侨城当代艺术中心(OCAT)诞生与成长的过程,也积极地参与了深圳本土艺术生态的建设与发展。此次展览并不是一个严格意义上的回顾展或文献展,我们以“参与的雕塑”的视角,从过往的每届展览中选择了1—2件作品,仅只作为一个小小的提示,意在表明这一系列展览及其所探讨的议题对于公共文化建设及雕塑语言探索的重要意义。

Participating Sculptures
——Memories from the OCAT Biennale

This small-scale exhibition intends as a brief retrospective of the OCAT Biennale’s precursor and as a warm-up exhibition for the opening of the new OCAT Shenzhen Pavilion B10 at the end of the year.

Over the past twenty years, a series of exhibitions transformed the "Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture" to "Shenzhen Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition," to "Shenzhen International Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition," "Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale," and at last, the “OCAT Biennale." Since the beginning, exhibitions such as "The First Contemporary Sculpture Annual" (1998); "Balanced Existence: Future Scenarios for Ecological Cities” (1999); "Open Experience: Public Art and Cultural Community" (2000); "Transplantation in Situ" (2001); and "The Fifth System: Public Art in the Post-Planning Era" (2003); "A Vista of Perspectives" (2007); or "Accidental Messages – Art is Not a System, Not a World" (2012), "We Have Never Participated" (2014); and "Boomerang" (2021), have born witness to establishing the OCAT Biennial, which the He Xiangning Art Museum first initiated with the generous support of OCTG, as well as its the development into a brand project. Moreover, with the birth and growth of OCAT, which became an active participant in building and developing Shenzhen’s local art ecology. This exhibition is not a retrospective or an archival exhibition per se but adopts the perspective of "participating sculpture" and selects one or two works from these exhibitions mentioned above as reminders of the importance of this series of presentations and the issues raised for enriching the public culture and the exploration of sculptural language.

In fact, through this small exhibition, we would discover the constantly expanding and evolving language of sculpture that has radiated into other artistic mediums such as installation, performance, and video. The so-called "sculpture’s participation" or "participating sculpture" is no longer bound to rebuilding a relationship between the artwork and the spectator but permeating into more vivid and lively social fields as an artistic practice and actions. In this sense, it no longer matters whether a work of art qualifies as a sculpture or not; the term sculpture has become a particular noun that we can no longer define with precision. This ambiguity is also why "OCAT Biennale" has replaced "Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale." Therefore, this exhibition marks both a small farewell and a new prospect - we believe that, with the opening of the new OCAT Shenzhen B10, the "OCAT Biennale" will also create new possibilities.


展览总监方谊翎、冯峰Exhibition Directors: Fang Yiling, Feng Feng
参展艺术家展望、姜杰、隋建国、向京、王鲁炎、何岸、张永和、蒋志、徐冰、宋冬、尉洪磊、特雷勒沃·卡雷勒侬和奥利维·珂克塔·卡雷勒侬、厉槟源、童文敏Artists: Zhan Wang, Jiang Jie, Sui Jianguo, Xiang Jing, Wang Luyan, He An, Zhang Yonghe, Jiang Zhi, Xu Bing, Song Dong, Yu Honglei, Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Li Binyuan, Tong Wenmin
策展人鲁明军、方立华、易东华 Curators: Lu Mingjun, Fang Lihua, Yi Donghua
助理策展人王静晗、王俊艺 Assistant Curator: Wang Jinghan, Wang Junyi
展期2022年9月8日-2022年11月8日Date: September 8 2022 - November 8 2022
地点OCAT B10新馆  深圳市南山区华侨城创意文化园北区B10栋Venue: OCAT Shenzhen Hall B10, B10 North OCT Loft, Nanshan District, Shenzhen


鲁明军,历史学博士,复旦大学哲学学院艺术哲学系青年研究员,策展人。现为OCAT深圳馆学术总监。近年策划“疆域:地缘的拓扑”(2017-2018)、“在集结”(2018)、“没有航标的河流,1979”(2019)、“缪斯、愚公与指南针”(2020)、“靡菲斯特的舞步”(2021)等大型展览。论文见于《文艺研究》《美术研究》《二十一世紀》等刊物。近著有《目光的诗学:感知—政治—时间》(2019)、《美术变革与现代中国:中国当代艺术的激进根源》(2020)、《裂变的交响:中国艺术的三个当代时刻》(2021)等。2015年获得何鸿毅家族基金中华研究奖助金。2016年获得 YiShu 中国当代艺术写作奖。2017年获得美国亚洲文化协会奖助金(ACC)。同年,获得第 6 届中国当代艺术评论奖(CCAA)。2019年获得中国当代艺术奖(AAC)年度策展人大奖。







场域神经元——姚明峰、王叶子艺术展2022年9月8日—11月20日OCAT B10新馆



开馆时间:10:00-17:30(逢周一闭馆,节假日等特殊时期的开放时间根据场馆公告而定)免费开放OCAT深圳馆地址:深圳南山区华侨城恩平街华侨城创意文化园南区F2栋OCAT深圳馆OCAT B10新馆地址:深圳南山区华侨城恩平街华侨城创意文化园北区B10栋网站:www.ocat.org.cn微信:OCAT深圳馆(ID: OCATShenzhen)微博:@OCAT深圳馆OCAT深圳馆电话:0755–26915007 / 26915100 OCAT B10新馆电话:0755-26917199邮箱:info@ocat.org.cn


